Sunday, May 23, 2010

illustration friday: early

I'm usually never early for anything, probably because being early means you need to wait. 

and i hate waiting.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

me, but younger

here's a recent piece i did for an art show done by Tilbury House publishers for a book launch of their book, One of Us. The show goes up for all of next week (May 24-28) at Book Culture and proceeds from the show go towards Powered by Girl/Hardy Girls, Healthy Women

The idea was to do a self portrait of yourself, in anyway you'd like, about yourself as a kid. Which sounded really fun to me! I loved climbing trees when I was kid, and liked to imagine I was a great explorer, so this is what I came up with :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Why Hello Utah... look a lot like Nevada.
Some photos from a road trip I took with my mom last month from where she lives in Nevada to St. George, Utah. yay nature!